Gold in the Sunset

The youthful hybrid had tossed in turned in bed ever since heading to bed that night. Usually he would drift into sleep easily, but it appeared tonight that wasn't going to happen. He had been stubborn though, rolling around for a couple hours, willing his body to rest. Finally though that became maddening and he threw off the covers and walked into the small living room, grabbing one of his books on his way. Ideally he would have wanted to either practice his guitar or swordsmanship, but Siobhan was sleeping and it was still raining out, making both impossible. So reading it was. Not that he minded reading, he just needed to improve more on the other two things.

The quaint little house was silent, save for the drizzling of the rain outside and the occasional flickering of the candle he had lit to allow himself to read. One of his many books talking about knights and ladies and royal courts. This one was almost more focused on the courtly intrigue than many of his others, though it would probably be useful. He was Majordomo, which meant he was the pack's ambassador. He felt more comfortable in his role as Knight, but he needed to fulfill all the duties that Jacquez had assigned to him.

If it hadn't been so quiet than Haven might have very well missed his softly called name on the other side of the door. The Aatte started, hardly expecting any visitors at this hour. Even more surprising, and alarming, was that was no member of the pack. That voice could only belong to his sister. Quickly he got up from the couch and went to the door, opening it. His mind hadn't been playing tricks on him, it was Mati. "Mati? Wha...what are you doing here?" Shocked as he was he stood to the side, beckoning her to enter. "Come on, you're going to catch a cold." What would bring her here in the rain so late at night?


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