betting on the dice i'm tossing
As Da'Vinci was flung from the back of the stuggling buck, Vukasin leapt up to take his place. He dug his claws into the creature's body as deeply as he could, hopeign to hold on. He bit deep into the back of the neck and began yanking backwards and up, hopeign to break the neck and sever the spinal cord. It would look like he was mad with blood-lust, but he was trying to be humane, as well. If you were parelyzed, you couldn't feel the pain of your death.

The most of his body was bloody; some a solid layer form his own biting and clawing, but most of it from the arterial spray that resulted form Da'Vinci's attack. As he continued to bite deeper and pull harder, he started to slip. The creature was bloody and sweaty, and and his claws weren't lending very much grip, and he barely managed to land on his feet as he slid off of the prey's back. He glanced around quickly to locate Asariel, and in that second he recieved a brutal kick to his muzzle that barely missed the more important parts of his skull. He yelped loudly and backed off. Dumbass! Don't turn away from an angry elk! His dead brother Sora's words echoed in his mind as he lashe dout with his claws, growling loudly as the bleeding, sick,a nd injured prey threatened to charge at him.

((I'v never given Vuk a good boo-boo before. xD))

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