I feel like everything I sow is being swept away

.... "I see." Cercelee considered the male, the information he provided her. Cwmfen was alive, at least now, but they had almost lost her. They. Onus and herself. Surely there were others who would grieve the death of the Adonis, but right now it was only her and Onus who knew how close they came to missing someone so important. And Onus, how had he come into Cwmfen’s life? Cwmfen had not told her of the male, Cercelee had no idea that their Adonis held anyone in her heart the way Cercelee held Slay. Yet perhaps it was none of her business, before at least. Certainly it was now.

.... Cercelee had no doubts of Cwmfen’s loyalty to the pack. Unlike putting Haku on his throne, she had had no doubts or worries about placing Cwmfen into a leader position. The warrior was true to herself and devoted to the pack, Onus would not change that. Knowing that to be true, Cercelee knew that Onus would have to be worked into Cwmfen’s life, which included Dahlia, which included Cercelee. Although their paths might rarely cross, and this was the first of those crossings, Cercelee decided it was strange to have not heard of the male from Cwmfen before, only Haku. It couldn’t be helped now, and Onus himself was here to smooth out the rough edges.

.... Eyes, the color of icy artic waters, looked over the strange male again. Cercelee smiled at him for the first time. "I thank you for your service to Cwmfen, and tell her I await her return here. If there is anything I can do for you, for her, let me know. We have no healer at current, but a medical clinic in Wolfville, very well preserved, if you need anything from there." Cercelee had not let Hanna take anything from the clinic the women had not brought in herself, and Deuce hadn’t even tried, and so despite having no healer Dahlia de Mai was quite well equipped for disaster, if only someone knew how to use the tools and supplies.


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