Spring cleaning
http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p292 ... stangs.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Mind if we backdate this to the 15th?

Haven yawned and stretched his arms up above his head. Boy, that nap was exactly what the doctor had ordered. The early bird may catch the worm, he thought, but that bird definitely needed a nap every once in a while. He had often been an early riser, but for some reason this morning he had woken up extremely early. The sun had barely been peeking up from the horizon. So he had gone out and practiced with his sword against the padded dummy he had made for himself. In fact he had made quite a few practice things, including some wooden practice swords. But there had been no one up to spar with so he had practiced on his strikes with the dummy. But after that good morning work out he had been quite tired and fallen asleep under a nearby tree to the pounding of the waves.

Standing back up the youth cracked his neck and went and grabbed his jacket and sword from the porch of his house. Strapping Vowkeeper to his back he thought it would be a good idea to make a quick stop by the other houses before he went out to patrol the borders, see if anyone needed help with anything. It didn't take him too long to come into sight of the cabin that Svara and Leroy shared and the Knight spotted Leroy outside the house seemingly examining something. Haven walked up to the porch, a smile on his face. "Hey Leroy, what's going on?"


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