through the roses & the thorns
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Awww, he brought her a groundhog :3 300+

She was doing better. Better than she had been. It had been a rough transition. Not really for the pack as a whole. The only member who had caused any ruckus over it had been Brooklyn and she couldn't necessarily blame the girl too much for that. Her mother had been forced out of the pack, she was just trying to stay loyal to her family. Though Anu and Mati were her family too and the both of them understood that what had happened had needed to be done. Oh well. Hopefully Brooklyn would come around and realize it was all for the best. Most of the hurdles had been personal for Savina. Having to face the fact that her once best friend was no longer the wolf she remembered, changed by that human substance. Helping her daughter recover from her ordeal and her tiff with Kansas and now attempting to patch things all up. Yes, it had been quite the rough few days for the new Commander.

Currently her dark form was out once again remarking the borders, washing away Naniko as the predominant scent. This was her pack now. Though with all the recent rains that task had been much easier than it might have otherwise. As she walked at a brusque pace a wince flashed across her face and she looked to her right front leg. The bite mark left by the little bastard wasn't that bad of an injury, but it did like to remind her of its presence. Savina stopped for a moment, setting down and flexing the limb to try and work the pain out of it. She probably should be inside resting it instead of working it, but right now sitting around in the mansion doing nothing sounded like torture. She needed the air and quiet.

When a deep howl pierced through the air her head and ears shot up. That voice. It was familiar but...he had left months ago, hadn't he? But it couldn't be anyone else, and he was calling for her. News travels fast, the fey thought to herself as she returned to her feet and swiftly made her way to where the hybrid was situated.

Even though she knew it was him, when his golden form came into sight she could barely believe her eyes. A soft smile graced her face as she trotted up to him. "Well, well, well, would you look what the cat dragged in," her accented tones teased warmly. Tail waved behind her like a black banner and she nudged him affectionately with her muzzle. "It's good to see you back here, Anselm." The words were genuine. While they hadn't spent much time together, she enjoyed their encounters. Then her eyes caught the dead groundhog at his feet. "For me? How sweet of you," she said with a laugh.


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