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Rain rain and more rain. The youthful hybrid was getting pretty damn sick of rain. He didn't mind it most of the time, but when it just continued on for days it got rather annoying. Whenever he went out for border patrols or to go hunt he always got drenched and then didn't want to go back into the house until he was dry and clean. There was no reason to get everything all wet and messed up inside. For only being ten months old Haven liked to keep his house pretty clean and orderly. It helped that Siobhan lived with him too, but he doubted his habits would have changed much without his favorite girl's presence.

Well, despite the rain and the unappetizing prospect of getting drenched yet again, the borders needed to be checked and it was his duty to do so. Of course it was technically everyone's duty, but being the Knight, he felt more obligated to keep an eye on them. He decided to go out in his lupus form today though. If he was going to get wet there was no reason to get his clothes and his sword wet as well. A soaked pelt would be quite enough for him. So he made sure the door was shut and then leisurely trotted out into the rain.

The pumpkin hued male had just started making his rounds when an odd yipping caught his ears. Those bi-colored ears strained forward to catch the noise and determine where it was coming from. Thinking he had a pretty good idea he increased his pace and soon jade eyes caught sight of a soggy brightly toned male at the borders. Haven kept his ears and tail up, though not so much for anyone to think he was the leader or anything. A subtle smile was on his face as he came up to the stranger. "Hey there, is there something I can help you with?" The youth's tone was pleasant, even though it was a little strange to catch someone else out in the rain.


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