Of rabbits, snowflakes, and Luperci

”I’ve been fine.” Anderung replied, having gotten closer to Deirdre. The amber wolf wagged her tail gently, looking around the forest. Her black nose twitched, scenting rabbits. Meer’s pink tongue swiped over her mouth as she thought about having a nice, young rabbit. She turned her violet eyes back to Deirdre. A few snowflakes were dropping onto her muzzle, and one got her in the eye, making her blink a few times. ”So, what are you doing?” The she-wolf said, cocking her head slightly. A crow called overhead before flying off. She flicked her ear toward the forest. ”If you aren’t busy, maybe you’d like to go hunting? I think I can smell some rabbits.” Anderung twitched her nose as she asked Deirdre. She hoped that the other she-wolf would want to hunt with her, it was rather boring alone.

"Sorry this is so late, hunting is fine. As long as Deirdre does something or says something involving Luperci, cause I need to get that out of the way. ^^."


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