hysterical confession, my big courageous move
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... banner.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
WC: 700

OC: drama :O

Standing silently the sound of two sets of paws made his large black ears twitch behind him. Turning his gaze away from Savina's his golden eyes watched Kansas's white body approach, followed closely at the heel by his son. He himself wasn't on the best of terms with Kansas, never had been. They weren't enemies or anything, they just didn't talk much. Kansas had Savina and his pups. While Jazper had nothing really. Mahlouk had even disappeared lately. The only thing they had in common was that they would both do anything for the pups and Savina. Hell, he would die for Kansas as well but, out of duty for his pack. As the white male sat at the back the warrior returned his gaze to the front in time to see the black women's ears flick back. His own ears folded back accordingly. Was she upset with Kansas?

As she cleared her throat Jazper realized that everyone who was going to show up was here, and that didn't include Mahlouk. He sighed slightly as the leader began to speak. As she spoke her nerves where clear and strong. What could be so bad to leave the her so shaken, she had always been so calm and in control. The pack stayed silent as the bad news was reviled. Naniko had been on drugs? She never seemed the type to use drugs. He has always believed Nani had been a brilliant mother and a great user of herbs for healing. Upon hearing that one of the pups had been hurt because of the drugs Jaz's ears returned to laying against his head. Poor Cambria! He held in a worrisome whimper as he listened to the rest of the tale silently. By the end the entire pack stood silent in shock or disbelief. How could Naniko let this happen? She always had been such a sweet leader, so understanding to him. But to be bluntly uncaring towards a fellow pack mates pup...that was just horrible.

He looked around and watched the others faces until, finally, someone stepped forward. Ares. His voice rang clear and put a stop to the silence that had occurred. So, he would stand with Savina. Of course Ares would do that, he was new. Had he even known Naniko? Savina was right about one thing, he for one did not want drugs in the mansion, let alone around the pups. His thoughts where interrupted by Brooklyn's hard voice. He flinched slightly as she yelled at Ares for sticking with Savina but didn't move to protect the poor boy from her rage. She was angry and that was only natural, he wouldn't get in her way of giving her opinion. As the girl ran away the Knight moved beside Ares and patted the boy on the shoulder whispering, "Don't take it personally lad."

Turning to the two leaders he cleared his own throat and walked forward a few feet. "I don't believe either of you would lie to us. If Naniko..if she was really doing drugs and those drugs brought harm to one of the pups then she was in the wrong." Pausing he lowered his eyes a little and talked quieter directly too Anu and Savina, "You both know that my pack is in essence my family since I have none of my own.." He trailed off and looked pleadingly at the girls to understand, "It's not that I don't stand by you I just have to protect all of my family, and that includes Naniko." He took a few steps back, glanced at Ares, and spoke loud once more "As a pack this obviously challenges our values. I for one believe that nothing should be in the mansion that could harm someone. Our pack has always considered ourselves to be an accepting family and we need to accept that Naniko will return when she is ready." His golden eyes looked from Savina then to Anu, "I just ask your permission to seek Naniko out to reassure myself and Brooklyn that she is, generally, okay." Or that she hadn't run off to do something stupid. Wether that be attacking someone from another pack or causing herself harm he had to make sure she was okay.


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