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Ty's first reaction was a small chuckle, in a way that showed he wasn't quite sure how to take that all in. He was rather flattered by her confession that she thought him very attractive. That is when she told him about the other man that she was also drawn to, he didn't know who it was, but she admitted that she liked two people. Ty kept silent for a minute, trying to think about what to say, trying again to be as tactful as he could. But this was even touchier then before, he knew she liked him, he didn't know about that other person that she liked, so he had to think of a compromise.

Finally, after some debate, Ty spoke again, now shaky, even blushing a little, but he remained some level of composure, and confidence. "W...well...I don't know if the other guy has made it clear he likes you back, but I do think you are an attractive woman....very attractive... He stopped, taking another breath before speaking. "I'm about as lost as you are with this, so I'll leave it as it is, but if you want to find out if you feel that way with anyone else...I guess you could give it a shot with me." He said with a small shrug. "I don't want to change your mind for you though, so do what you feel is right."

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