I'm down to a whisper
http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa22 ... otable.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
I love that table of yours. So cute. :]

"Why would she hit Amata?" She questioned, concerned. The pups didn't hurt anybody. They were so little! So how could a full grown adult injure one of them? She frowned at the thought of one of the pack's pups getting hurt by a Dahlian wolf. They had smelled a Dahlian scent when Salem had gotten hurt, too, a Dahlian member crossing over into their lands. Why was that?

"They need to teach their packmembers some respect." Her foot was pounding, making her even more cross. "Maybe they don't care what their members do, though. That would be weird. You'd think they would keep a check on what they were doing, so their pack didn't get into any trouble."


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