Gold in the Sunset

Haven's mind was a whirlwind. It hadn't felt like this since he had found out about their father. This was still different though, in some ways worse. He had never had some fairytale image of their sire. He had been the ghost that haunted the small happy family, whether they had all realized it or not. But Naniko had always been wonderful. She was their kind and strong mother. A leader, a healer. All the things a child could want in a parent. And now, to find out she had fallen so far? It was startling. Startling that someone as good as her could be dragged so low by some damn drug. Whatever she was doing, he was thankful he had never come across it during his stay in the city. The alcohol had been a struggle to get away from, he couldn't imagine the strength of that stuff.

Mati's hand on her chest signaled an alert in his mind and his ears perked up. "Are you okay?" The male was unaware of his sister's occasional breathing difficulty, so seeing her do that was surprising and a cause for concern. Though the conversation was quickly taken back to the direction of their pale mother. Addicted? Their mother an addict? Haven wasn't sure he had ever been a full blown addict, but he had come damn close. To know their mother had succumb to something to the degree she was dependent...he didn't know what to think. The hybrid's jaw dropped. "She wasn't...sorry? could she do that and not be sorry?" His mother and Savina had been close as sisters, the woman was like an aunt to them all. And yet Naniko had harmed her daughter and hadn't even apologized for it?

A darker look entered those jade eyes that were so like her's. That wasn't his mother. Whatever those drugs had done, they had taken their mother from them. Yes, she was still alive, but it was clear to him that she was not the same person. Would they ever get her back?


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