80 miles to the gallon
http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa22 ... table8.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

A heat surged through his body like he had never known before. A kind of primal fire. Haven had always been fascinated by humans. By their histories and what they had left behind, but now he felt more like the animal he really was, and that animal did not want clothes on right now. Without removing his one hand from her he shrugged off his jacket and it was allowed to drop forgotten to the floor. That heat that he felt was transmitted as he kissed her, his tongue finding its way into her mouth for a seconds before she broke the kiss.

As her mouth trailed down his neck and chest a groan escaped his throat, feeling so much pleasure in just those simple touches. His hand lost its sense of modesty and moved over her breast, cupping it. Hmmm, he didn't want her to have any clothes on either. Hand moved to her back and pulled down the zipper of her dress. Fingers danced over her collarbone, sliding down one of the straps.


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