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Catalyst breathed out a heavy, long snort from her nose. Perhaps there was a feeling of almost envy within Catalyst for Catharsis leaving out all on her own, without the supervision and guidance of an adult to hold her paw along the way, but Catharsis just decided to up and leave without anyone, not even one of her own siblings to tag along. Catalyst wanted to go as well, but then again there was a feeling within the pit of her soul that told her to hold back here. There were her other siblings that needed each other too, and for one more to leave and abandon the rest like mother did, it would only make the entire scenario worse for everyone. Catalyst was the first born of the litter, and had a duty in her heart to uphold. To not be the person that her mother was, not to her siblings, not to her guardians, not to those who mattered most to her. If she did such a thing, it would make her seem like a hypocrite, and only as bad as her mother was as a person. Catalyst couldn't, wouldn't hold a reputation like that. There were others who needed her here, and she needed them just as much in return.

Miss Cercelee's words were gentle, understanding. Did she really understand, though? Miss Cercelee had her way of making things right, making things seem like there was really nothing bad or evil that existed in the world. She was like a sanctuary herself that Catalyst could come back to, and in her care and support would feel such goodness and purity radiate from her. That was what she liked best of her guardian, that there was always something good in everything, and that she could always see some sort of goodness in things that were not so good. Hopefully Catalyst would grow up to be an individual just like Cercelee one day. Miss Cercelee reassured once again that it wasn't Catalyst's fault for what happened thus far, and even while Catalyst did feel a sense of guilt (especially for going out to the borders when she was told not to by Cwmfen), Cercelee made it seem like it was nothing to worry about at this point. The past is the past, the future is now, and what mattered now was what was going on in the present. When her guardian asked her how she really felt, there was a disdained look upon her dual eyes, in which her head then shook indignantly. "I... don' know. Tired, confused, scared." She said with a sigh following suit, then continued. "You know nightmares? Tha's how things feel right now... a never-ending nightmare." That was pretty much the only thing the weary pup could say. "How... how are you, Miss Cercelee?" It would be rude of her to not ask a similar question in return, for she cared just as much for her guardian as her guardian cared for her.


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