it's like forgetting the words
So cute! ^^ 300+

It was all too much. Too much for someone so young to deal with. She had thought she would always be safe inside the house. The house had been her pillar of security. It was where she lived, where she had been born, and where all the rest of the pack lived. Nothing bad was supposed to be able to happen within these walls and yet it had. All of her feelings of being safe were shattered. Naniko had been the leader. She was supposed to protect everyone in the pack, especially puppies like her. But she hadn't. She had that awful stuff and had had it in the house where it shouldn't have been at all. Cambria was glad that her mommy had thrown her out. The girl hoped she never saw the pale lady again.

As she was curled up trying to fight off all her bad feelings and failing her ears flicked. Had she heard someone? She thought she had. The house had been so quiet except for the rain and that hadn't been the rain. It had been inside. For a moment she thought about getting up to go find the source of the noise, but that notion quickly passed. What did it matter? The pup doubted that it would make her feel any better. But then the noise got closer and closer until it was in the room with her. She didn't look, but her nose sniffed and recognized the smell of her sister. Her tail wanted to wag, but somehow she couldn't make it.

Though when she felt her lighter sibling nudge and nuzzle her that familiar warmth that she had so been missing came back a little. At the sound of her name her little ears perked back up and she removed her face from the stuffed toy, watery eyes looking up at the mismatched orbs of Amata. She had brought her something? Oh, that was so nice of her. So thoughtful. Cambria loved her sister. Her gaze moved to find what had been brought and her eyes lit up at the site. It was a pretty flower! But it was more than just a flower, there was a funny green buggy on it. The corners of her mouth twitched a little, attempting to smile but not quite making it. Unsteadily she got back to her feet and took tentative steps towards the flower and the bug. The chocolate girl looked at it for a few moments before turning back to her sister. "Wha issit?" She hadn't seen a bug like that before.


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