they'll break your throne

I like Conor's new avvie! 300+

........She could see how uncomfortable he was, but it was a different kind of discomfort than it had been the last time. This time he was waiting for something. Waiting and hoping. But for what? But it was slowly dawning on her. The flower, him saying that he hadn't meant what he said last time, that he did think she was pretty. It was an apology. A gesture to make amends for the wrong he had done her and the mean words that had been said. Eyes traveled from the flower to Conor and back to the flower and back to Conor. She had never been apologized to before, or had to make an apology either. That was why it was taking her so long to understand what was going on. But she understood now. And he was waiting for her to accept his apology.

........At his exuberance in confirming that she was, in fact, pretty her own tail began to wag slowly from side to side. A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth and she walked even closer, so the flower and the older puppy were right in front of her. The Marino girl could feel her cheeks grow warm. Why was that? Oh well, she wouldn't worry about that right now. She didn't feel bad, so she wasn't sick. Actually, she felt quite happy now. "Tank yous Conor. For da flower an' your nice wordses." Her smile grew a little more as she looked up into his lilac eyes. Maybe Conor wasn't a meanie after all. Maybe he was just a confused puppy and misunderstood. Cambria wouldn't think bad of him anymore. He had said she was pretty and brought her a flower all the way from his home. It was very brave of him to do all that and she knew he was sincere in those actions.


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