nonconforming as can be
And again, sorry for being so gosh dang slow. :|

Moon smiled. “I missed you too,” he confessed softly, watching his brother try to become more mature in an instant. Moon rolled his eyes lovingly and pounced forward, sliding across the ice in a sort of zig-zag motion. He fell down almost immediately and began laughing aloud as he twirled away on his belly. After he stopped circling on the ice, Moon looked up toward his brother and tried to gain a foothold on the slippery surface beneath him, but couldn’t do it very well. He was only holding onto his balance with his claws. Now was not the time to be all grown up. Winter was the time of being childish and playing in the snow. Moon missed acting like a child, since he had never really done it before, but being back with his family made him realize just how much fun it could be.


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