i'm breathing but i could die
http://digital-bonsai.com/katew/rp/char ... _tears.jpg); background-color:#0E141B; background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:fixed; padding-top:246px; padding-left:15px; padding-right:15px; padding-bottom:10px;">
Miiiine. :O I hope we don't have too many threads together? We can wrap up Kae & Jael if you're sick of me. ♥

    The pale wolf was too happy to have found this place. There were plenty of canines here, plenty of faces he could get to know. Charon was practically ecstatic as he rose in the early morning from the place where he'd taken shelter last night. He had met Lannen late in the day yesterday, and he was naturally tired from his travels, so he only went a bit further south before finding the woods. After a bit of searching he'd managed to find a hollow in the ground, conveniently tucked beneath a fallen tree. It was moist under there, but it was better than sleeping in the open wilderness. No matter how many months he'd done that now, Char still couldn't get used to it. He missed sleeping in a warm house more than he missed his family.

    Rain had started to fall almost immediately after the canine rose. Char had always risen with the sun, a habit he found was difficult to crack. Only if sorely hungover or ill did he sleep past the first light of dawn, and even then he had only slept past full sunrise twice in his life that he remembered. The young canine meandered along, his small ears perked and his vibrant indigo eyes taking in every sight he could. He had seen wilderness before, naturally, but he hadn't seen a forest so verdant green in his life. Most of the northlands were scruffier, patchier forests than this, and it was perhaps the first temperate summer he had ever experienced. As it was, only the drizzle kept the arctic-born wolf cool this morning, and even so, he found himself panting still, overheated.

    Seeking a drink, he listened for the sound of running water, difficult to discern because water was running everywhere because of the rain. He wandered in circles for a few minutes before he came to the same creek the pale white wolf had washed himself in. Char took a long, messy drink from the cold stream, lapping up the frigid water with his wide tongue eagerly. It was only when his thirst was sated that he looked up, noticing for the first time the curious white wolf a bit downstream from him. Naturally friendly, Charon immediately headed over to investigate and greet him, his tail swinging from side to side as he approached the snowy canine. "Hey!" he said, eagerness showing in every feature of his body. He loved meeting new people, and this wolf looked like he had something to say—there was a blank look on his face, something akin to contemplation, Char assumed, and he smiled, pearly white canines gleaming.


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