
Moon had been sleeping at his father’s side with Dierdre for the entire time, ever since he and Pilot had rescued him from drowning. Moon left the den whenever he needed to, either to gather some food for him or Dierdre, or to just relieve himself and take a bit of a walk. He was always ready to do anything for his father whenever he needed to and would do anything possible to make sure he recovered fully. Whatever happened, though, Moon had made it clear that he loved his father. He had talked to him while Dierdre had gone outside to get some air; he had held his father’s hand and prayed to whoever would listen. His father was sick and needed some help from up above.

He had gone out to get a bite to eat when he noticed that a lot of wolves were congregating in Storm. There were scents from Clouded Tears – that would be Naniko, most likely. Moon hurried off toward his den and stepped inside just in time to hear what Naniko was saying. It wasn’t contagious, which was good, and it didn’t seem to be fatal. Moon took a moment to feel his father’s forehead and blinked. His fever was going down; at least that’s what he thought. “Nani, he doesn’t feel as hot as he did earlier, before I left.” his silver eyes peered at the white wolf, desperation visible upon his face. He wanted his father to live more than anything in the world right then.


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