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Haven was a little surprised when the clearly older male lowered his posture to him even further. It was true, he was fairly high ranked on these lands and probably deserved it of an outsider, but it was far from something he was used to. There was really none of that stuff in the pack. Jac wanted everyone to consider themselves as more or less equals. That, and Haven had never really met anyone on the borders before, not even back in Crimson Dreams. Truth be told it all made him slightly uncomfortable. "Thanks...but you really don't need to do that. You can relax, it's obvious you're not here for ill intentions." At least no ill intentions of the violent sort, which was the kind he was most concerned about.

Bi-colored ears strained forward to make sure he caught everything the newcomer said. It could be hard to hear clearly in the rain and no doubt both of them wanted to get back to someplace dry as quick as possible. So if there was no need to clarify anything that had been said, that eventual goal would be met quicker. So he was surveying all the packs to see which would fit him best? No harm in that, everyone wanted to end up somewhere they belonged. "Oh I see. Well I'll answer your questions the best that I can." Like the male in front of him, he was oblivious to the close presence of one of his packmates. The rain made it much harder to pick out any scents and the thrum of the drop falling about his head made it nearly impossible to hear far off footsteps.

The young hybrid gave a good-hearted chuckle at the question about royalty. "Well, that's kind of what we call ourselves, though it's not the kind that people expect." It certainly hadn't been what Haven had expected when hearing the term. "Our leader calls himself King and we all follow him as such and he calls us his royal court. Though it's pretty laid back, we don't think of ourselves as above anyone else. We all have our separate duties we are assigned to though." He made no mention of himself being a Knight. He had learned that many scoffed at the idea, if not in front of him behind their backs. It was true he was inexperienced in combat, but he had been training nearly everyday.


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