through the roses & the thorns
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She needed something like this, meeting up with an old friend. Her spirits were instantly lifted and the gods knew they sure needed some lifting. The past few days had been incredibly taxing on the fey and this was a welcome respite. She wondered if Anselm had seen Ryan yet or knew that he was a grandfather, but she would hold off on such questions for now. Savina chuckled at his words. "Nah, you look great." It was an honest compliment. The hybrid was a handsome creature, there was no denying that. Perhaps in another life they might have been more than just friends, but Savina had a mate and a family now and Anselm had a family of his own. "So I take it this wasn't some leisurely vacation then? If it was sounds like the worst one in history." She was curious as to what had taken him away from these lands.

The Commander was mostly ignorant to the goings on in Inferni. Her kind wasn't really welcome there to begin with but after what had occurred between she and Hybrid she hadn't dared go near the clan since. She doubted that her position as a pack leader would protect her from the likes of a madman like him. "I'm sorry to hear you've lost track of some people." It wasn't surprising that some he knew had disappeared in his absence. Savina herself was missing her own sister again after having found her again. She wondered if Ghita would ever turn up again. She still had no idea what had caused her sibling to run off again, it wasn't like they had any other family anywhere else.

The woman took a seat along with him and eagerly took a bite from his gift as it was nosed towards her. She wasn't particularly hungry, so she would eat her share and then he could have the rest. Her sleek dark head nodded. "Yes, much has happened. So much it's hard to keep track of." Savina wished his congratulations sounded better to her ears, but her promotion was bittersweet. "Thank you, though it only recently became my pack and not in the most pleasant of ways." That was putting things lightly. "Most things have been well. A stable core group of members, I now have a mate and three young pups. Though recently things have been rocky," she said, the smile fading from her face.

"Our ex Commander, Naniko, well under all our noses she became addicted to drugs. I don't know what it is exactly, some white powder. She did a good job hiding it from all of us until the other day she left her pack laying around and my...daughter got into it and breathed some of that blasted stuff in." It seemed Cambria was finally returning to herself, but it was taking longer than the mother had expected. "Myself and the other subleader confronted her and she showed no remorse for what she had done. With what she had become I had to make a choice and so we forced her out." She knew that she had made the right choice, but oftentimes the right choice came at a high price.


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