80 miles to the gallon
http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa22 ... iobhan.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Later, in the morning, she might wonder about what they had done...if it would change anything between them. If it might create some kind of a tension or if it would be something that would bring them closer together. But right now Siobhan could honestly admit that she just didn't care. She was excited about this above everything else, more and more excited by every reaction that she got from him.

His fingers played with her curls and she smiled up at him; she really liked having her hair played with, and the way that he was running it through his fingers..it was great. She helped him get his pants completely off. She'd never seen this portion of him before, this lower area without clothing. Did it always look like this? She had tried to ask Ezekiel about things like this before...but he had gotten angry about it. He seemed really happy, though, so she assumed that what she was observing was a normal reaction. He would tell her if it wasn't normal.

Siobhan didn't let this new discovery halt her in her exploration, and she continued with what she had been doing before with her mouth, only lower. Her tongue met the hot surface of his organ, lips giving it the same treatment that she had given the rest of his body.


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