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She would never rule out a repeat of history. Time and time again, it seemed like the same mistakes were made for the same reasons--power, sex, prestige. All of these things, she thought, could make a sane mind irrational--then again, she also felt that way about any emotion. Matrix didn't necessarily trust the motives of their species on the whole, but for now, she thought mass destruction to be largely a non-issue. They still couldn't launch missiles at one another. If they killed, they had to see the pained face of their victim. Life was still something tangible and not to be utterly taken for granted.
His question caused her eyes to widen and her brows to furrow--well, this fellow certainly seemed to think about things more than the average wolf she met. Either that or they all did, and nobody wanted to talk about it. It was interesting and it put her into a peculiar mood--one in which she was open to discussion, hypothesising, and philosophising. "I'd say affairs become unnatural when the followers no longer share the plights of the leader. Wolves were not meant to be controlled or directed by a distant name and title." To some extent, she had seen this in the war. It was easy for a "commander" of sorts to send his men away to death when he was not present--a leader that stuck with his men, however, was more likely to see what could and could not be done. He knew when to retreat; he knew when lives were more valuable than small victories. Sometimes, she thought this was what the humans' problem had been. She'd never really gotten to share this view, however, and she was interested to hear the tattooed stranger's thoughts.

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