thorns and roses
sorry for the crap -_-;

Cambria cocked her head to the side as his mouth dropped open in surprised. Why was he doing that? He looked silly with his mouth like that! The girl had to conceal her giggles, she didn't want him to think she was laughing at him, it was only the funny face he was making! But then as she introduced herself he smiled again. She watched as he brought his hand to his chest and spoke his own name. He had a funny way of talking, but that was fine. She didn't care. Little tail swayed back and forth as she smiled up at him. "Nice ta meets yous Ho-nor!" The way he pronounced his name was a little hard for her. It reminded her a little of Italian, but it was still different.

As Honore's gaze followed her paw out to the west she really hoped that she was pointing him in the right direction. It would be awful if he ended up going the wrong way because of her! No, that would be no good at all! But then the man looked back to her and it seemed that they would talk for at least a little while longer. "Yes! I likes Noir vewy much! She was vewy nices ta mes when I visiteds." Nicer than Cambria had known any stranger could be to her. "I tink so! You's her uncles, so why wouldn' she wants you ta lives wif her? My uncle lives here wif me an' I loves him!" Surely Noir would want her uncle with her too! The pup shook her head from side to side. "No's she didn', bu' we didn' weally talks about our famiwies."


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