Like a piece of the puzzle that falls into place


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It seemed like ages since Twilight had tried to teach her daughter basic care for injuries and whatnot. Matrix knew how to construct a splint and (in theory) how to set broken bones, but she claimed no knowledge of herbal medicine and no level of high understanding. Applying pressure to stop bleeding was one thing, knowing the intricate details of internal wounds was another. "I think it's when you hurt your ligaments, as opposed to bone--a break--or muscle--a strain." The only reason she knew about these parts was from tearing them off of fallen prey.
"There's no real open wound, so I don't think you'd have to worry about infection," she said. "Although it would be good to cool it for help with the swelling, you're right." As for the house? She sort of doubted they had running water in here. There was no real source for it, except for the sea--and she didn't think they had the technology or means to transport it. The first human water systems were based off of gravity, so they'd need to get a river that was headed toward the sea and use that. "I guess the sea-water would be more than cold enough. Will you be alright to walk?" It wasn't like she had any sort of amazing back-up plan, but if necessary, she would develop some sort of idea. Most of their kind could handle walking on three legs, anyway, things were just slower.

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