it's like forgetting the words

She supposed she really was getting better, as slow and painful as the process was being. At first, right after it had happened, she hadn't wanted to be around anyone. She had just wanted to be by herself in the dark and not have to think or feel anything anymore. She had never been alone though, always momma was around or Mati or someone else from the pack. They had constantly surveyed her and while she understood why she hadn't wanted it. The pup had been embarrassed and ashamed and sad and all bad things that she could feel. But now she did want to see some people. Not everyone, but she wanted to see her sister and her brother. And momma and dadda, even though she hadn't seen them both at the same time since it had happened. That was a little strange, but she was too caught up in her own depression to think about it much.

A cat-pill? She had never heard of a cat-pill before. The pup liked the name though, it was funny and nice. Her tail twitched a little behind her, as much of a wag as the girl could muster at the moment. Though what her sister said next was one of the most amazing things she had ever heard. Cat-pills, like this one on the flower, turned into butterflies? That was crazy! The cat-pill was cute, but it was not anything like a pretty butterfly. But Cambria knew that Amata would not lie to her, so what she had said must be true. Was it magic? Magic that turned the funny green cat-pill into a bright beautiful butterfly? "Dat sounds wike magiks Amata," said a voice filled with wonder.

Finally a small smile did appear on the Marino's face. She had never considered taking care of anything before. She was so little herself and needed to be taken care of. But maybe she could take care of the little cat-pill. Maybe she could help it grow into a butterfly and see the magic happen. "You weally tinks I can takes care of hims?" she asked her sibling, ocean-like orbs filled with a subtle hope.


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