this place is a prison
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There were too many layers to Cambria's sadness, so many that Gotham could not have hoped to dig through them. He still felt safest in the house, and as far as he was concerned, they were all still safe there. He could never guess that his dark sister didn't feel at home in their home anymore. He just thought she was hiding because the dark space of the closet comforted her. And that was probably true, too, he just didn't know the other half. That every tear she cried was because of the drug the adults spoke of in hushed voices.

Gotham had heard the soft whimper from the little girl when he left her, and it made him very sad. He felt a pain in his tummy that he didn't like at all. He needed to make her better. The butterfly was his only hope. He stood for just an instant waiting for her response, and when it was good he couldn't stop smiling. He smiled so widely that his face hurt, and he did a little hop, his front paws leaving the floor for a second. She wagged her tail! It was just a little wag, but it was very exciting all the same because he hadn't seen her wag her tail in a while. "Yous welcome! Now wes can play with her. Or I can just stays in here with you guys, if you wants." He sat on his haunches, ready to stand if she wanted to play (which he somehow doubted) or lie down if she wanted to just stay in here. He wouldn't be bored because he was working on making her happy again. And he could always play with Amata later, if needed.


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