Live like you were dying
I feel so much better now that I have a new table :ooo And no worries! My brain is FRIED right out now. See? X_X I typed that, then was like: "wtf!" -beats head on keyboard-

She did like being around horses. There was something that she could vaguely remember from her youth, maybe a game of TAG or, it was hide and go seek! She'd played it with her mother outside the horse barns back in Chimera. The scent of the horse was a comforting sort of smell to her, adding onto the already genial impression that she had of Moon. "Peculiar name" She said, grinning. She knew a few Phoenixes herself! Naniko wasn't sure if Dierdre had taken Phoenix's name, or if she was ever planning on it; for now she thought that the older white female still carried her mother's last name.

"I was hoping to see Selene and Kansas" She admitted, "But I think I've found someone just as interesting. I'm Naniko" It had been a while since she had been offered friendliness, and she soaked it up like a flower in the sun. "Selene is my sister by blood, and Kansas my brother through adoption. Iskata was my adopted mother"


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