i won't be saved
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Shhh, I am posting from work. Big Grin

That lighthouse would always be a beacon to her, a deathly flame to her moth-like mind. So much had happened to her there. There was something about the whisper of the waves against the shore that gave her mind rest, although at times it stirred her thoughts up into such a flurry that she could not think straight. Still, she found herself here, time and again, to ponder the meaning of life and the things that had happened to her recently.

Today her mind was filled with a familiar vortex of thoughts, faint memories emerging to put a blight upon her happiness. She could not help but recall what had arisen in her the first time she had stepped foot into the lighthouse. Even standing apart from it, separated by the water and the shoreline, she could not be unaffected. The times had changed and turned against her, but she still felt echoes of a particular heartbeat inside her chest. It was the part of her that always awaken for one woman, the woman who had awoken her from a commitment to despair and mediocrity and given her the keys to verve and life again.

Geneva had a lot to be grateful for, and that counterbalanced all that she could regret. It had been hard for her to admit it, but she had finally told Jefferson how she felt about him a month ago. She had expected him to laugh and turn her away, but he had surprised her, like always, when he had told her he felt the same. Recently, she had felt lighter than air.

The gray woman did not mind walking alone, but when she saw a lone figure on the sand she was glad to approach her. She was glad of the break in the rain, and she wanted to share her time with someone else. "Admiring the view?" Geneva asked.

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