they'll break your throne
300+ aww, and I have already changed it Sad

Slowly, understanding bloomed in her face, like a flower opening up for the delicate rays of the sun. His eyes temporarily left the little girl’s delicate face to let his eyes pursuit after her moving tail. His smile intensified in strength, leaking into his face and lightening it up to reveal his intense relief at the improving circumstances. He felt an urge to step backwards when the smaller puppy came a bit closer. The boy stood on his grounds though, quickly discovering that such a move would never have brought anything good anyway. Not relief, not anything. Perhaps they could be friends now. He wanted to have little Cambria as his friend. They were also related, although Conor was not entirely sure how. Alexey had explained it a few times; the ties to the Sadira children in Crimson Dreams, but the details faded away and left him alone with the confusion.

His cheeks blushed delicately when the girl politely thanked him for both the flower and his words. Nah, this was the least he could have done for the poor little girl. He had treated her unfairly, and she shouldn’t really have to thank him. He, on the other hand, should thank her. ”Thank you for not being angry at I, Cambia.” he shared, sincerely meaning the words he spoke. Now when all this was over and done with, he was not entirely sure what should and would happen next. The evening was slowly approaching with its dimming illumination, and the boy wondered if he wanted to get to know the little girl puppy a bit better. The boy was still uncertain and fragile of nature, though it was all work in progress. He would become something larger and better: the opposite of his father, basically.

”You are has a happy day?” the boy asked curiously, determined to chase the threatening silence away.


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