I wont falter nor fail
The other girl was dark, but Halo was darker, majorly because of the dark clothes that covered up the hybrid’s lighter underside. It was the few highlights of cream and copper that gave the other girl away mostly, and the Inferni female found those light areas of fur relieving. She liked being able to keep an eye on her targets. The blood scented air made Halo’s teeth run in water, and she wondered if the taste of the girl’s blood would taste or smell much different to that of a simple prey? The ruby eyed youth disguised her excitement well. More than anything, Halo seemed lost and slightly confused. When the other girl turned around to look at her, Halo let her gaze fall to the ground in light shame while her hand clutched her own arms, allowing her shoulders to narrow slightly in a rather frail matter.

”Yes, I am..” the optime girl slowly revealed with regret and tension in her voice. She knew how horrible it could be to be lost in another territory, and she openly played her part out well, drawing her inspiration from the past when just the same had happened to the dark Lykoi child for real when she had been half a year or so. ”Could you help me?” she suddenly dared to plead, allowing that misery to drip from her own voice. She seemed close to desperation, and she was. It was dark and dark was always believed to hide the nastiest of monsters in the black shadows.


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