you cannot save me

ARCHIVE (000-100)

[-01] [06.15.04] endLESS raIN ;;;;;(CONCEPTION)

[000] [07.30.04] two (2) and a half (1/2) YEARS l a t e r (BIRTH)

[001] [06.30.05] don't [b e l o n g] anywhere else but [h e r e]

Laruku returns to Clouded Tears only to find that his 'mother' does not remember him. Ceres stops Colibri from chasing him off territories, however, and asks him to stay, and Laruku agrees.

[002] [07.01.05] forgotten where i c o m e from

Laruku meets Cinnamon on Hell's Coast and learns of her fight with Colibri. Cinnamon also says that Laruku's father was an Inferni leader but he does not believe her.

[003] [07.01.05] DE C a d e nce...

Laruku is about to pursue a rabbit when Kratina and Fwee come out of no where and scare it off. To get back at them, Laruku chases Fwee around a while until Kratina asks him to stop because he's killing the trees.

[004] [07.01.05] telL mE somethinG i neverR kneW

Maluki and Laruku reunite after their seperation and the brothers muse about how their family has become "corrupt" and drifted apart.

[005] [07.02.05] +tomorrow is always worse than yesterday-

Adreon finds Laruku playing on a piano in a library in the Concrete Jungle; this kickstarts a very long conversation about humans, the future of wolves, future sentient speices, the end of the world, space and the cosmos, death, ghosts, jellyfish and taxonomy. Yes, all of that. Then they go to sleep.

[006] [07.03.05] · · · cönnëct thë döts

Hearse comes to Clouded Tears in search of Colibri, but finds Laruku instead. Hearse's speech and purpose for visiting irritates Laruku and the two end up fighting.

[007] [07.04.05] i hate you MORE than you hate me

Segodi seeks to get away from Hell's Coast and runs into Laruku at Clouded Tears's border. After a brief exchange, Segodi opts to leave and go home.

[008] [07.06.05] p.aïn wïth sprïnklës

Calypso comes a'visiting and he and Laruku decide to go on a treasure hunt. The treasures they find include an old copy of Hamlet and an owl pellet.

[009] [07.09.05] aN alterNate eNding

[UNFINISHED] Laruku discovers the Bonefire and is joined by a lone wolf named Racheal Kei.

[010] [07.13.05] b a t teri es[no t]inclu ded

On the way out of the Concrete Jungle, Laruku discovers a small radio trapped under the concrete and a blind wolf named Kyro from Jaded Shadows. Laruku manages to free the device and experience a short burst of human music.

[011] [07.13.05] the $ilence and the $ong

[UNFINISHED] Laruku sits around singing in Wraith's Rest. Mocha happens upon him, seduces him, and Laruku loses his virginity. :|

[012] [07.15.05] [p]enalty SHOT

[Not Used] Originally intended for Misery, switched to "aw", never claimed. Laruku sits around in Wraith's Rest.

[013] [07.16.05] [Alt]+[F4]

Strikker and Laruku were getting off on a bad foot when Razor came out of nowhere; she succeeds in pissing them both off and getting chased from packlands.

[014] [07.19.05] auto -p- matic

Ophelia and Tsunami plan to visit Clouded Tears. Ophelia arrives first and is confronted by Laruku. Tsunami then shows up and gets pissed off; Laruku and Tsunami fight; Ophelia ends up stopping them, then Tsu and Feely leave.

[J01] [07.25.05] Opinions Expressed

[J] Aoife trespasses into Clouded Tears territory and Laruku finds her by the lake. After a few vicious exchanges and obvious dislike between the two, Laruku agrees to call for a leader. Ceres shows and Aoife is eventually accepted.

[J02] [07.25.05] [j]ust don't make any mistakes

[J] Cadenica stumbles upon Clouded Tears and frightens off a herd of deer Laruku had been pursuing. After interrogating her irritatedly, he calls Ceres and Cadenica is accepted.

[015] [07.25.05] hold on t i g h T

Laruku encounters Segodi and Razor in Nirvana. Already in a bad mood and annoyed at the memories of his previous encounters with the coyotes, he ends up in a fight with Segodi despite being injured. Predictably, Laruku ends up retreating.

[J03] [07.26.05] // switchblade [j]

[J] [UNFINISHED] Scarlette Eve returns to Clouded Tears once again and gives birth to a completely stillborn litter just outside of borders. Laruku finds her and calls for Ceres. They move her to Siondaite's den to clean up.

[016] [07.28.05] Moonlight and Fireflies

In the dead of night, Laruku meets Iskata by the lake and speaks with her. She reveals half of the truth about his birth circumstances without actually confirming much, but Laruku refuses to believe every word she says anyway.

[017] [07.29.05] we're all MAD in here

Laruku meets Melisande and to two go hunting together. The quest for a rabbit fails, but they manage a single chipmunk.

[018] [07.29.05] lucy in the sky with diamonds

Laruku meets Lisichka and learns from him that Colibri has amnesia. They talk briefly about her, then Laruku leaves.

[019] [07.30.05] to.p. of the world

Laruku and Piper go fishing because they're uberhungry and after a little bit of teamwork, both end up with half a relatively large fish.

[020] [07.30.05] w e t (p)aint :: don't t ou c h me

Laruku enlarges the abandoned den that once belonged to Kiriska. Ceres happens along and tells him the truth about the circumstances of his birth; Laruku gets pissed, doesn't believe her, and runs off.

[021] [07.31.05] (hale) falling from the (sky)

[UNFINISHED] Apollyon follows Laruku to Thunder Island, where they find Hale. Laruku is disturbed by Apollyon and leaves.

[022] [08.06.05] [p] lastic [t] ree

[UNFINISHED] Laruku is depressed-like and stares off at the ocean. Ellorae comes and sits with him a while.

[023] [08.07.05] (hobo for a day]

Laruku discovers Line E and meets Anu, who had been hunting there. They walk a short ways, exchange a few words, then part.

[024] [08.10.05] the [p. roble.m] child

[MATURE] Laruku finally breaks down, overwhelmed by the truth of the circumstances concerning his birth. Tsunami finds him; they talk, have sex, talk some more, then fall asleep. x_x

[025] [08.11.05] something [WICKED] this way [COMES]

Tsunami accompanies Laruku to the Haunted Forest on a quest to find the ghost of Kiriska, his mother. Unfortunately, Laruku encounters Arlo Xyl, his father, instead and is very shaken by the incident. Tsu and Laruku comfort each other afterwards.

[026] [08.12.05] losing sleep

Laruku visits Chimera on a whim and has a short chat with Aiji.

[027] [08.14.05] Almost Here

[UNFINISHED] Laruku meets Kerberos in the bonefire and they talk about Tsunami, reading, and the fact that Kerberos is a sociopath.

[028] [08.17.05] it's +my bliss.

Laruku finds Maluki at Tranquil Springs and tells him that they are not blood brothers. In the end they decide that it didn't matter and they could be brothers if they wanted to.

[029] [08.21.05] tomorrow and tomorrow

[MATURE] After catching a rabbit, Laruku finds Tsunami on Enigma Peak. After some awkwardness, they end up having sex again, then talking, then eating the rabbit.

[030] [08.26.05] wE'rE not thE onEs who'rE mEant to follow

Laruku meets Hearse again in the Luminous Sanctuary. They exchange a few insults and somehow Tsunami comes up as a topic. Hearse pissed Laruku off and he goes away.

[031] [08.28.05] #now@again.go !important

[UNFINISHED] Laruku goes to Storm for the first time and happens upon Adreon and Atlas. They talk and fill each other in on recent events.

[032] [08.28.05] just about a moonlight mile on down the road.

Laruku finds Tsunami in Storm and they talk about Ophelia and the puppies. Then they play tag! And then go off and do suggestive things.

[033] [08.29.05] What's duty to a wolf who runs.

Laruku runs into Siondaite, who wants to teach him stuff about spahering, but Laruku gets her to tell him about CT history instead.

[034] [09.04.05] [the] dying [breed]

Laruku brings Ophelia a squirrel. Feely eats half of it then demands he have the rest. Tsunami comes in with two fishes. Feely refuses to eat more. Laruku eats the rest of his squirrel; Tsunami gets mad and takes one of his fishes and leaves. Laruku leaves. Feely eats the last fish.

[035] [09.12.05] what you confide in me

Laruku goes to Hell's Coast to fish, but Segodi wants him to leave. To stall, Laruku asks a bunch of random questions, then leaves anyway.

[036] [09.13.05] l0nd0n bridge is f a l l ! n g DOwn

Laruku passes out from lack of food and Misery finds him and gives him a rabbit.

[037] [09.13.05] bo hemian rhapso dy

Laruku and Calypso talk about the famine, family, Feely, and Tsunami. Calypso reveals that Tsu hurt someone he cared about.

[038] [09.15.05] the odds of t h a t

Laruku and Tsunami meet in Crystal Caverns. Tsu tells Laruku it's his birthday and about Satin's pregnancy, then the sunlight makes the crystals glow and they go 'ooo', 'ahh'.

[J04] [09.17.05] Don't Panic

[J] Laruku accepts Provost into Clouded Tears because Ceres said she couldn't come and because he didn't think anyone would back him if he tried to chase the male off.

[039] [09.18.05] all you can eat for $5

Hexidecimal helps get some food for Laruku, then they talk about nerdy things while eating.

[040] [09.18.05] that was just a dream

Laruku explores an old museum and encounters Ahren on the stage of a small theatre; they converse a while about a record player, philosophy, history, and sentient nature, then go their seperate ways.

[041] [09.19.05] And the white knight is talking backwards

Shaeniire comes to Clouded Tears and Laruku confronts her. She inquires of Acid and Colibri and is answered rudely. She then leaves.

[042] [09.20.05] while(this.alive()) suffer(this);

Laruku meets Satin in Storm; he invites her to visit Clouded Tears sometime; she tells him about Adreon's death. They both get really sad, then decide to go see Atlas to get their minds off of it.

[043] [09.21.05] This is Morning

Laruku returns to Clouded Tears to apologize to Ceres and inquire of his real mother. Ceres tells Laruku about Kiriska and takes him to visit the grave of her and his siblings. They name the unnamed children.

[044] [09.22.05] can't you see, it's not me you're dying for

Laruku finds Tsunami along the Yahraw River. They argue about the famine, Adreon's death, and puppies. Then Laruku drinks from the Yahraw and Tsunami freaks out, tackles him, falls in the river, freaks out some more, spills Malachi's name, then runs off.

[045] [09.23.05] STATEoftheUNION

Laruku confronts Tsunami again in the Concrete Jungle. Tsunami tells him he killed Malachi, but refuses to give a real reason. They both get pissed and part ways.

[J05] [09.25.05] Kyrosine Joining Post

[J] Kyrosine seeks acceptance into Clouded Tears; he and Laruku piss each other off, but Ceres is called for anyway and Kyrosine is accepted.

[046] [09.25.05] p: to forget about (you)

Laruku takes Satin (and Atlas) to visit Clouded Tears. They meet Ceres and Laruku introduces them both to each other. Ceres is informed of Adreon's death.

[047] [09.28.05] you seem so out of context

Ophelia goes to Clouded Tears to ask Laruku where Tsunami is. Laruku asks who Malachi is; Ophelia tells half a story, then heads to the Jungle, where Laruku last saw Tsunami.

[048] [10.02.05]

Laruku wanders away to the Dark Plains, where it starts to rain after the long drought. Tsunami finds him there and apologizes; Laruku starts to forgive him, but then Tsunami admits to having had sex with Segodi. Laruku asks him a few cold questions, then leaves.

[049] [10.21.05] MURDER incorporated

Laruku sees Segodi, freaks out, attacks him, then tries to beat him to death with a shovel. Tsunami stops him before he is able to; they yell at each other, then Laruku leaves.

[050] [10.23.05] cry, baby

Laruku and Satin comfort each other about their various troubles. Satin tells Laruku that her babies were killed prematurely and Laruku tells Satin that Tsunami cheated on him.

[051] [10.28.05] razor thin against my skin

Laruku and Cross talk about love.

[052] [11.04.05] [SPEED LIMIT 50]

Gibralter recruits the help of Laruku to retrieve a pack from the branches of a tree. They go through its contents, make a fire, then go to sleep.

[053] [11.04.05] these ripped out pages of old coloring books

Laruku finds Atlas banging around on a piano in a house in the Sanctuary. They go explore a while, then after a brief discussion about humans, Laruku explains the concept of death to Atlas. Upon realizing that his father was dead, Atlas runs off.

[054] [11.05.05] Defying.p.Gravity

Laruku and Asphyxia get pissed off at each other. Asphyxia claws at Laruku and Laruku slaps her, knocking her over, whicih ends up killing one of her unborn babies. Segodi shows up just as Laruku is freaking out over what he did. Then Laruku runs off and Segodi walks Asphyxia home.

[055] [11.08.05] helloGoodbye;

[UNFINISHED] Kakotsu asks Laruku if he's seen Colibri.

[056] [11.14.05] weAllGrowUpToDIE

Depressed, lonely and guilty, Laruku half-hearted attempts suicide by slashing his wrists with a piece of glass. Segodi walks in on him and stops him, sort of lectures at him, and bandages him. Laruku leaves.

[057] [11.16.05] (thisis)the(DAWNING)of(therestof)our(LIVES)

Laruku seeks out Kaena to ask about his father and learns of his mother as well.

[J06] [11.16.05] Take these broken wings

[J] Colibri returns to Clouded Tears after an extended absence. Kakotsu welcomes her with open arms; Laruku shouts bitter words at her; Ceres takes her back in, regardless.

[058] [11.17.05] cut down your discomfort wings

Kidorah and Laruku meet in the subways and chat for a while about Segodi, relationships, and Inferni.

[059] [11.18.05] Icy [p]ools of green

Soran kills three rabbits on Tears territory. Laruku gets really pissed about it; they fight, and eventually Soran runs off.

[060] [11.18.05] fourstar daydream

Moxie gets away from Tsunami and her siblings on an outing and stumbles upon Laruku. Tsunami catches up to her, then sends all the pups off to play while he and Laruku talked. They both apologize, agree to forget about what happened, and make up. Then they hug, but have to stop because the stupid kids are like "o_O".

[061] [11.22.05] [where] the [wild things] are

[UNFINISHED] Laruku and Chael take down a caribou doe and split it.

[062] [11.23.05] no one has ever looked so dead %

[UNFINISHED] Laruku finds Calypso at Maluki's den and offers him meat.

[063] [11.24.05] paper or plastic

[UNFINISHED] Moxie pesters Laruku with a bunch of uncomfortable questions and Laruku notsoskillfully evades!

[064] [12.01.05] waiting for the worms

Laruku finds Tsunami in the Sanctuary right outside Clouded Tears. Tsunami tells him about how he left Storm; Laruku asks him to come to Clouded Tears, and Tsunami agrees.

[065] [12.02.05] without your noose

Laruku finds a very injured Segodi in a church in the Jungle and decides to repay his debt by bandaging him up and helping him to a warmer place.

[066] [12.06.05] [a swell in the sun]

Satin and Laruku talk about Tsunami and stuff.

[067] [12.09.05] I Like the Way You Move in the Dark

Laruku finds Elysium's glass eye. They talk for a while then play hide n' seek.

[J07] [12.11.05] quite cold weather

[J] Laruku finds a pleasant male sitting on 'Tears borders and after a brief chat, accepts him.

[068] [12.10.05] indifference and absence of esteem

Ahren discusses some of his troubles with Laruku. There is a brief argument, but nothing comes of it.

[069] [12.12.05] "if ONLY if ONLY," the woodpecker cried +m

[MATURE] Tsunami gives Laruku a blowjob, but Laruku asks him to stop. Lots of mental drama!

[070] [12.13.05] ?hakuna &matata

Laruku and Melisande talk about losing things and happiness, then make a snowman.

[071] [12.15.05] you never thought it'd happen to you

Asphyxia finds Laruku in the Sanctuary but doesn't recognize him. Laruku tells her that he's the one that killed her baby. She says she doesn't blame him and he apologizes, then leaves.

[072] [12.15.05] all i [n]ever wanted and more

[UNFINISHED] Laruku is depressed and talks to Ceres about how she keeps on keeping on.

[073] [12.21.05] Darkest Day of the Year

Ceres calls a meeting of the pack to celebrate the shortest day of the year. Everyone introduces themselves then eats.

[074] [12.23.05] stuck inside our own machines

Laruku finds Tsunami freshly injured in the middle of the night, tends to him, then falls asleep beside him.

[075] [12.25.05] drops of ju'p'iter

Segodi tries to convince Laruku that Tsunami loves him, but Laruku doesn't believe him.

[J08] [12.27.05] I've seen a lot of t r a g e d y in my life


[076] [12.31.05] Nuclear Launch Detected

Laruku and Thanos talk about life and purpose. Tsunami finds them in a scandalous position and storms off without a word; Laruku gets uncomfortable and leaves. Thanos is confused!

[077] [01.15.06] second verse to chorus

Laruku meets Akumu in Area 93. Laruku accidentally fires off a gun and hits an airplane in a hanger. They talk about humans and stuff.

[J09] [01.20.06] you were saying?

[J] Piper and Laruku find Switch talking to birds, but decide to let him in anyway.

[J10] [01.24.06] Do You Ever Wonder If It's Justified


[078] [01.27.06] there are no flowers

Laruku finds Ceres dead next to Kiriska's grave and digs a new grave for her. He calls the pack to let them know, then buries Ceres.

[079] [01.27.06] a dandelion is(n't) forever

Tsunami comes to comfort Laruku after Ceres's funeral. Tsunami says he wants to change the world. Laruku says he loves him. This is the most adorable thread ever.

[080] [01.29.06] mischief mangled

[UNFINISHED] Laruku and Maluki talk about Ceres's death and the curse on the alpha position.

[081] [01.31.06] the (sunlight) sonata

Ahren comes to visit Clouded Tears. He and Laruku talk about their packs, the leaders of the other packs, and other things.

[082] [02.03.06] non siete lei

Colibri and Laruku talk at the site of the graves. Though Colibri does not explain her reasons for leaving, Laruku says he does not hate her.

[083] [02.03.06] scherzo di notte

[UNFINISHED] Laruku meets Tedros, Segodi's son; Tedros asks about his father but Laruku can't think of much to say. Tedros mentions his ill feelings towards his father for bringing home another pup.

[084] [02.03.06] some would say your life was sad

Segodi and Laruku meet again and talk about sad things.

[085] [02.04.06] mezzo forte e dimminuendo

Ember finds Laruku playing piano. Laruku lets her pick a song from a book to sing while he plays. Laruku agrees to try and teach Ember to play.

[086] [02.05.06] gone to the dogs

[UNFINISHED] Tokyo shares with Laruku her dreams of heading her own pack on Lightning Bay.

[087] [02.07.06] the b u m p in the n i g ht

[UNFINISHED] Laruku meets Layla and they talk about Arlo and their heritages.

[J11] [02.09.06] Joining

[J] Though suspicious of his sincerity, Laruku accepts Tenebrae into Clouded Tears.

[088] [02.14.06] "someday" may come along

Tsunami asks Laruku if he'd ever been with anyone else; Laruku says no. They talk about nothing in particular, then walk back.

[J12] [02.28.06] { perfect rhythm [j]


[089] [02.20.06] STRIKE up the band

Laruku meets a bunch of other musically inclined wolves in the Sanctuary.

[090] [02.20.06] when there's no one in town i know

Atlas comes to Clouded Tears looking for Tsunami after finding out about Satin's new mate. He finds Laruku instead, though Tsunami comes later, and the two older wolves talk to him about his issues.

[091] [03.03.06] the ceiling with glow-in-the-dark STARS

[UNFINISHED] Tsunami brings Laruku a drink, so he gets drunk and says dumb stuff. Then they go into the bedroom and fuck. On a bed!

[J13] [03.04.06] ³dreams of neptune

[J] Laruku can't sleep and finds Neptune waiting on 'Tears borders. After a few questions, he accepts her.

[J14] [03.09.06] Joining

[J] Laruku accepts Bellus Grey into Clouded Tears.

[092] [03.05.06] you take the HIGH road & i'll take the LOW road

Laruku confronts Gibraltar about the reason for Tsunami's departure from Storm.

[093] [03.26.06] Improvisation on an opera hall

[UNFINISHED] Laruku meets Susquehanna, who is apparently Colibri's sister, and consequently, his adoptive aunt.

[J15] [03.28.06] His heart's just not in it

[J] Laruku stumbles upon a tired puppy in the fog and says he can stay in Clouded Tears.

[094] [03.29.06] the LOCHNESS monster

Laruku suggests he and Atlas find a grave for Adreon. Atlas asks whether or not it's okay to like boys and for confirmation of Laruku's affections towards Tsunami. Laruku approves the former and admits to the latter. They never do find a gravestone. D:

[095] [04.04.06] Crocus Vernus

Bellus and Laruku talk about random things and Laruku gives Bellus the apothecary position.

[096] [04.06.06] Mists of Time

Susquehanna asks Laruku permission to hang around Clouded Tears as Solo's guardian.

[097] [04.07.06] mawari MAWARI mawari tsuzukeru

Laruku meets Corona and they talk about the status of hybrids in their society.

[098] [04.08.06] Empathy

Laruku and Melisande talk about the pack and people's tendency to leave, then promise each other that they'd at least say goodbye if they go eventually.

[099] [04.21.06] BLACKHAWKDOWN

Atlas comes to Clouded Tears to confirm that Tsunami is gone, then says he has no where to go now. Laruku says he's free to stay and Atlas accepts.

[100] [05.01.06] alte fuhrer neu

Mordulin comes to Clouded Tears to meet Laruku and to ask about Ophelia's children.


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