set things right
Ares gets the scary angry table! XD. and kk, awesome. 302 words

Ares was a heavier sleeper than his mother, generally speaking, but he had only been lying down a few moments when the voice broke through his near-dozing mind. And the voice held a hard edge to it that just might have woken him, deeper sleep or no. His limbs obeyed the order, spoken as it was, before his mind had even unclouded itself back to full consciousness. He blinked his eyes a few times as his vision adjusted to the light playing on the lake and the dark, angry form before him. Again reacting just instinctively, his tail drooped, his ears fell. He wasn't dumb enough to be completely uncertain of the subject of this encounter - it probably had to do with the strange incident earlier.

He felt like he should speak, like he should try and justify himself, clear his name, but he honest-to-God couldn't believe that any action he had taken in the course of this day was wrong. He had to hear Savina say it, had to make sure they were exactly on the same page about what horrible crime he had committed, in order for him to explain slowly, patiently, that she misunderstood. That he hadn't done anything! "What's.. the problem?" He said carefully, slowly, letting the confusion seep into his voice. Unlike Tokyo's careful manipulation of her tone, he wasn't fabricating anything, just making sure his raw emotions were being demonstrated obviously enough to be understood.

Maybe Amata had lied? It was the sort of thing his mother, or Princess would have done, put into a situation like that. Maybe she hadn't really explained why Ares had snapped at her, unwilling to share the fact she had been messing with his book. In that case, her anger was understandable, and the issue could be sorted out very easily.

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