through the roses & the thorns
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------Anselm often had a one-track mind when it came to dealing with women (assuming they weren't related, of course). Savina's own sub-leader could attest to that (unbeknownst to him)--though it was worth noting this general disrespect or objectification wasn't intentionally aimed at the fairer sex. The caramel male hardly respected anybody, male or female, even as he played along with the submissive and dominant displays they all took part in. More often than not, it was just less of a pain to play along. Doing otherwise obviously created friction, and this friction either slowed him down or cost him in blood. Regardless, he'd probably think of and treat males in a similar fashion if only he swung that way... but he did not.

------Every so often, though, he'd stumble upon an individual whom he came to value as more than a mere seed depository (in the case of the ladies) or competition (in the case of other guys). When it came to non-blood relatives, he could count his "friends" on one paw: Savina, Boomer, and now he guessed Kaena (although he was still tempted to classify her as family, even though they weren't directly related). There were a couple of others who may have achieved that status if only time was on their side--but alas, Poe was now but a fleeting, dreamlike memory, and he doubted Nikita was still around since he'd heard no word on the Hollow's continued existence.

------Somewhere in the back of his mind he registered a strong male scent associated with Savina's--that of Kansas--and somewhere in the back of his mind he was tempted to respect that. It was still impossible to completely curb his flirtatious instincts, but what was the harm in that? As such, a tiny, genuine smile crept across his face at her compliment, and he was content to leave it at that.
"Nah; more of a wild goose chase," he offered, figuring this explanation would suffice without going into details. The whole situation was a mess, and as far as he was concerned, a stain on his "reputation" (who exactly cared he wasn't sure... Gabriel not judging him to harshly had certainly helped, but he was still personally disappointed in himself for being so retarded).
------"These things happen. It's best to just focus on what's still left," he resolved matter-of-factly, flicking his dark-tipped ears as he listened to her speak. His face remained stoic, as usual, as he let her finish, though his tail flopped several times behind him in silent congratulations at the news of her growing family. At the mention of drugs, his ears fell back slightly--Anselm had resorted to chemical release on more than one occasion, though he'd learned which were most likely to get him in trouble. Suffice it to say, his experimentation with psychedelics was done. They were fine so long as he was in isolation, but as soon as he came across anybody else while under the influence his whole world fell apart. They'd helped him discover more about his deepest thoughts and self, in a sense, but he didn't think repeated doses were necessary.
------Although he was somewhat concerned about her judging him for what he was about to say, he figured it was more important that the dark mother be informed than have a shining, perfect opinion of him. "Eh, I think I know what that one is. I hope your daughter is alright--but listen, it is key that she doesn't find that shit again. It is highly addictive, it can inspire aggression, and I'd imagine the effects on a child are even worse." Presumably, if the pup avoided it forever forward she'd be fine... but he feared what might happen if she got into it even a second time. Shaking his head, he continued, just to be clear that he supported her decision. "I guess I figure everyone has the right to do what they want to themselves once they're old enough to decide, but when it impacts your job or your family life, that's a whole 'nother story. It's a shame that these things can inspire such gross oversights." And he ought to know, didn't he?

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