the devil's water, it ain't so sweet

Sorry for the little wait, I didn't see the thread as usual Sad
Word Count 359


What caused the pale female to venture so close to the borders of her homelands was beyond her. For some reason unknown to her, her legs had carried her there while she was deep in thought. Perhaps they had sought some place else than her usual spots, perhaps she was - without knowing - it tired of all the same places and views. Or perhaps she had strayed from her usual path because she didn't want to visit the graveyard today, even though she did it daily, as both a chore and a responsibility. She needed to remind herself of what had happened, and how it was her fault. No, it was Inferni's fault. In fact, blaming both factions had been working for some time. Still, today she found herself elsewhere, and with a certain sensation of relief. Some guilt still nagged at her being, but she pushed it away and continued across the borders and into unclaimed land. Now that she thought about it, she hadn't been outside these dreary packlands in ages. It would be rectified.

........Stopping dead in her tracks, Mew spotted a stranger amongst the growth ahead. Even though she did not tightly socialize with every member in the pack every single day, she knew enough about them all to know that that person there was no one who belonged close to their borders. Suddenly cautious, she kept on forward, meaning to confront the person. After all, they did not necessarily know or have any intent about anything towards her pack, but after everything that had happened to it since it was first founded, Mew was not naïve. She knew not to be too trusting. Then again, they were on neutral ground, and Mew had no reason not to be courteous. She would be, if only to find out whether this person was a threat or not. Approaching the femme, she was certain she could see her very well. She looked like herself, in a way, only with her pelt gray instead of white. Her own green eyes sought the other's as she spoke, calmly and quite pleasantly.

........Hello, my name is Mew Sadira.

Table by Sace/Hemming. Thanks! Big Grin

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