`the /aftershocks/ remain
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... ryban2.jpg); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

it's ok! no worries :3 Oh, and she's only been gone a few months and had met up with Ehno when she was last here. 300+

Savina's shoulders slumped slightly as her sister actually lowered her head in her presence. Had they become so distant that she felt the need to do that? When it came to newcomers the Commander could be a bit of a stickler about such things, but they were family. There shouldn't be any reason for Ghita to react to her in such a way, Savina didn't expect it of her at all. It actually made her feel quite awkward. If Ehno had tried anything of the sort she would have pawed his muzzle and told him to knock it off. But she and Ghita were not nearly as close as she and Ehno. Even so, she hadn't realized that they had drifted so far apart from each other.

Ghita proceeded to talk as if the current situation were something other than what it was. She was cool and casual, as if it made no difference that she had disappeared on them again. Didn't she know they had been worried about her? That every time she did this they searched and searched for her with no idea where she had gone or why? It all seemed so strange to her. Ehno had been the one with the wanderlust, and yet he had stayed in these lands with her for over a year now, a true and loyal member of Crimson Dreams. Emerald eyes swept over her sister. The femme seemed to be well physically, at least there was that.

A heavy sigh escaped her lungs as her gaze fell to the stone she stood upon. "Ghita..." The bitterness that had inhabited her voice before was gone. Now she was just confused and wishing that her sibling would realize that her constant unexplained departures hurt she and Ehno to their cores. "Perché lei ha partito? Perché lei non ci ha detto? L'Ehno ha guardato ovunque per lei." Savina looked back up to Ghita, the way she felt evident in her eyes. She wanted her sister to be a part of her life, but now she didn't know if that's what Ghita wanted at all.


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