i'm breathing but i could die
http://digital-bonsai.com/katew/rp/char ... _tears.jpg); background-color:#0E141B; background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:fixed; padding-top:246px; padding-left:15px; padding-right:15px; padding-bottom:10px;">
KAAAY, just so you know, I suck ass. :| This took entirely too long, and it will probably suck because I am a sleep-deprived little thing today. D:

    The drizzle didn't really bother Charon. He had long learned to just deal with the weather and make the best of it; he'd grown up in a frozen world and until he'd left his birthplace he'd never even seen a place that wasn't covered in snow. It had been an amazing revelation, and immediately the wolf had been gripped with wanderlust. He wondered if there were actually hotter places than this in the world. The bulky wolf was obviously built for the cold temperatures; he had thick, pale fur and very small ears seated high up on his head. It was unbearably hot to him sometimes, and he was glad the morning's heat was lessened by the rain this morning.

    The wolf was surprised at his presence, but it didn't deter the arctic wolf much. There was obvious distrust in his orange-yellow eyes, and Char was almost disappointed to find he'd have to try to cheer this guy up like Lannen. What was with everyone here? They seemed so mad and unfriendly. Even the other wolf's words were simple and short, though Char refused to let that get him down. He was determined to make friends, and he grinned non-stop at the wolf, the dusty tail wagging full-out behind him.

    "I'm Charon, nice to meet you," he said, sitting down a few feet away from the wolf, though his tail still wagged against the ground. "I'm from way up north. You look like you are, too," he said, commenting on the male's ghostly-white coat. Char couldn't possibly have guessed at Jael's muddled blood; he had never so much as seen a coyote in his life. To the inexperienced three year old, Jael was just another arctic wolf, no questions asked, no suspicions aroused.


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