it's like forgetting the words

Amata had no idea that she had given her sister just the thing to pull her out of her depression. In fact, Cambria didn't even know how effective caring for the little insect would be. She knew she needed something to focus on, something to distract her from how badly she felt. So far nothing had been effective at keeping her attention for very long. But this was different. Not only was this something that would depend on her to take care of it, but it was something that would magically turn into her most favorite thing in the world! Already the chocolate pup could feel some of the oppressive darkness that had been smothering her melt away.

Cambria's smile grew and her tail wagged even more as Amata nuzzled her shoulder and affirmed that she would be able to take good care of the cat-pill. She turned and leaned against her sister, the tears in her eyes turning from sad tears to happy ones. What would she do without Amata? "Tanks you so much sissy! I loves you!" Her little voice was filled with more happiness than had been present within her for what seemed like so long. Her sister had done it! She had broken the spell that nasty stuff had put over her! Finally she was free again! She could breathe again.

But then her sister began to speak of what the cat-pill needed to eat and how to take care of him and that quickly brought the girl's mind to attention. Oh yes! She needed to know how to take care of the little green bug. He ate leaves? Well that should be easy enough! Everyday she could go outside and get him fresh leaves. Though it would be a good idea to check with an adult and make sure that was all he needed. The last thing Cambria wanted to do was mess this up. Then Amata brought up a point she hadn't even thought of. Of course! The cat-pill was a boy and when he changed they would be able to see what boy butterflies looked like! "Yes! Ohs I can' waits ta see how da magik happens!" she said, her eyes bright.

A thought came to her puppy mind. "We should tinks of a names for hims." If he was going to be her charge he deserved a name!


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