Spring cleaning
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Haven noticed the slight hardening of Leroy's smile for a moment and then the way that referred to Jac. The youth's eyes widened a little, though thankfully he refrained from letting his mouth open in surprise. The Knight wasn't a prude, but he would never have referred to anyone (except perhaps his father) in such a way, much less the leader of their pack. He wasn't a stickler for protocol, but speaking of their King in such a way did kind of rub him the wrong way. Oh well, he wasn't about to make some big deal over it. No use getting in some argument. The hybrid let it roll over his back and managed to grin back up at the husky.

He looked up curiously at Leroy as the older male stated they had something in common when it came to their romantic situations. Well, he knew Svara had never been in Crimson Dreams and Leroy had, so yes they must have been a part of different packs. Then some pieces missing from the puzzle of what Leroy had done to get on the leadership's bad side were put into place. Exactly what the patterned male had done was still a mystery, but the details surrounding the incident were now more clear.

"Yeah, I'm glad we formed this pack too. I don't know if Siobhan and I could be together anywhere else. I guess a lot of wolves have a problem with coyotes and especially the clan. I don't understand it, but I wouldn't want her somewhere where she would be harassed just for being what she is." His pale girl was nicer than and sweeter than most. The thought that some would hate her just for being a coyote angered him.


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