let the rain of what I feel right now come down

<3 its sooo pretty!!

She could be happy in the rain, she could absorb its life giving nutrients as her flowers did and she would be whole. If only she had been created they had, content with little more then sunlight and rain. If only it fed her soul and pumped her heart as it did theirs. The rain fell against her crown, clouds above teased and taunted, whispering of a storm. Anu looked to it, her blue eyes mirroring the cast of the gray sky. Though she could be happy in the rain there was something that it wouldn’t fill and the emptiness was taking its toll.

Changes had rocked the pack, the things of the passing months had rocked Anu to the core. Naniko was no longer her leader, just as she was no longer her mate and it felt as if she was no longer her friend. The distance she had set between them had worn away the bond that they once held. Time had healed her, and it no longer drove her nearly to tears the moment she thought of the broken love and tattered heart. Each paw step she took brought her further from the green eyed females that she had fought to love or fought to destroy her desire for. And now she was left with her hollow creation centered in her ribcage.

It still hurt to think of her though, the young fey that had graced Anu with only the briefest of kisses and the smallest of gifts. But she felt their weight, and they filled her mind so completely that to the tawny female they had become as large as life itself. Thoughts drifted towards her, daily and if Anu was weak and tired, hourly. If she let them they would rule her mind. But they were no longer the sweet warmth that they had once been. They were rejection and the bitter cold that came with it. Four paws took her away from the manor, head low as she carried herself towards the gardens. They were her only place of escape.

A call pierced her ears and picked them up. It was a hollow call, nothing more then a shell of what could have been truly felt. It was eerie, so unsure in its tone and pitch. But in the gray of the noon, and with the haze of the falling mist Anu heard the beauty in it. It shared the same place in her mind as the rain did, and it called her name. Without thought she turned, moving no longer towards her escape but right into the thick of her emotional storm. Body worked without her thoughts, and paws ran over the soaked lands while it felt like her mind had never left where she had heard the call.

Blue eyes settled at the water laden form, slowing before Anu was close enough to truly see her. Never had the woman laid eyes on her while in this form, and Anu fought to find a word that might describe her. The older fey felt vulnerable, sure that this would not be the one that searched for her and yet she had hoped. It was a secret feeling, something that she had fought and banished as the time had slipped away since their last meeting. There must be news, something that Coli needed to tell her. She feared it would be that she would never see her again, that there was a true heartfelt reason for her to stay away.

Anu did not smile, for she was more on the verge of tears then joy. With all the insecurity that the young woman had placed on her Anu had missed her. And the sight, the smell of the beautiful wolfess, forever pure in her feral form, reminded her that her feelings had never been smothered as she had hoped. Anu walked towards her, her face soft with the unease and touched with the sadness that she was sure to come. “What have you come to say Coli?” She spoke, her voice was not harsh, but weak. Anu had thought she left her with a feeling that matched her own, unsure yet warm. Say the words, Anu thought. She waited, waited for her to speak about the one that had captured her and kept her away.

Anu yet her eyes could not shield the feeling, I missed you.


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