it's like forgetting the words
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        As her sister leaned against her, Amata felt a bright happiness that was as bright as the sun. Looking down, she could see that, even though there were still wet tears in her eyes, her sister was not as sad. And that made Amata feel more than just the relief and happiness that she could explain. Maybe it was the love that she had for her sister that welled up inside her, and also the pride that she felt from being able to make her sister happy. The white Sadira girl smiled. "You’s welcomes, Cambi!" It made all the work that she had gone through to find the silly, elusive cat-pill worth it. A pink tongue came out to give her sister a little kiss on the head. "I loves you toos," she said, and she was happy.

        "Yeahs!" She had never seen a cat-pill turn into a butterfly, so it would be very exciting to see that happen. She hoped that she would not miss it. She thought that the transformation was instantaneous, just like the magic in the stories. But as long as Cambi could see it, that would be okay. "Iss very excitings—I promises!" And even though she didn’t know, she felt that it must be that way, and she felt that little Cambi would not be disappointed.

        "How abouts...." The girl paused, her head tilting as her bi-coloured eyes looked up at the empty ceiling—maybe that funny emptiness where nobody walked would give her an idea. And then, she jumped, looking back at Cambi and wagging her little tail. "How abouts Leafbug!" It sounded like a very good name to Amata because the cat-pill was green like all the leaves and grasses and tress and other shiny things that were outside, just like this cat-pill. And it wouldn’t be nice to call him ‘Cat-pill’ because that would be like calling Cambi ‘Wolf’, and that was not a good name at all. So Amata had settled on Leafbug. Her tail wagged happily as she watched Cambi expectantly with a bright smile. Of course, in the end, it was Cambi’s boy-bug now, and she could name him whatever she wanted—even Boy-bug! The creamy girl giggled. Naming things was fun!


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