it's like forgetting the words

A happy little whine found its way out of her as Amata gave her a kiss. Cambria returned the gesture, planting many little kisses on Amata's face. The pup was more thankful than she could even express. It had been so awful feeling as sad and depressed as she had. So so awful. But now that dark cloud was gone (even though the ones in the sky outside still hung heavy). How did little girl puppies like her get by without wonderful sisters like she had? Cambria couldn't even imagine her life without Amata. She was her reassurance when it was so hard for her to be sure about the world beyond their door. With her sister things weren't so scary. Without her she was surely be lost.

The Marino pup also assumed that the transformation between cat-pill and butterfly would be as quick as a snap of the fingers. That's how all such transformations went, after all, as far as she knew. The thought that it might be a very slow and somewhat boring occurrence didn't cross her mind for a second. "I bets! How coulds it not bes?" Something as amazing as that had to be exciting. "I wonders if there will bes any signs, you knows, before it happens." She hoped there would be, that way there wouldn't be as a big a chance one of them would miss the magic.

Cambria watched as her light sibling looked into the air trying to think of a name for the little cat-pill. The sudden jump made a startled little bark come from her and she backed up a step or two. Locking herself away like she had had made her very unused to the energy her sibling had in abundance. But then she heard the name and her eyes also looked up at the empty space above their heads considering. It was a good name, but something was a little just needed a small tweak. "Das goods, bu...whas abouts Leafy? I tink Leafy is a wittle betters," she said smiling back at Amata. Leafy was a very cute name, and still very much like the name her sister had come up with.


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