I can do anything (Mature)

Ayita looked at the animal she had killed as she changed fully into her human style form. Alright now to bring this to the house. She wondered what it would taste like cooked. Before svara left she had watched her try this cooking things the humans did. Ayita pondered the thought then shrugged it off picking up the dead doe.

The house was short of two miles away no problem minus the fact she was starved maybe Leroy or someone was around to share a meal with. She smiled Leroy he was rather dashing and so was Vigi they both seemed to be high on her list. Though she was confused wither Leroy and svara were together or the king and svara? Did it matter now that she was gone?

Padding along she looked around. She was moving a lot faster then she though before she knew it she could somewhat see the home where she stayed. pushing through the shrubbery and branches she smiled seeing Leroy. "Hey you hungry?" Ayita called out there were very few in the pack she was comfortable with and Leroy was one of them.


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