it's like forgetting the words

Hmmm, would there be any signs of his transformation before it happened? Cambria hoped so, but it appeared that Amata wasn't sure about it either. The sea foam eyes searched out the little green bug, looking at him questioningly as if he might be able to shed some light on their query. But he did not such thing, simply continued munching on the leaf of the flower he had been brought inside on. But of course the obvious source was spoken aloud by her sibling. "Oh yesses! I bet they will knows!" At least one of their parents surely knew more about the transformation of the cat-pill. They would have the answer, the chocolate pup had no doubts about that.

The smile on the girl's face widened at the confirmation that Leafy was the better name for her new charge. As the official name of the cat-pill was sung out Cambria bounced around lightly on her paws, a giggle bursting from her throat. It was a strong, good giggle because it had been held inside by the sadness for too long. It was like her happiness had been buried deep inside like water underground and Amata had finally dug deep enough and now the water bubbled up and renewed everything. "Leafy, Leafy, Leafy! Gonna shows us wha da boy butterfwies lookes like!" she sang along with her sister. "Leafy, Leafy, Leafy! Makes mes happy, happy, happy!" The pup had started parading around the flower but stopped when Amata said she had to teach the bug his name. Oh yes! She did need to do that, didn't she? Otherwise they wouldn't know when he was being talked to! Cambria went and laid down in front of the bug, looking at him intently. "Hi Leafy's! Dat's your name, Leafy! You are Leafy and I is Cambi an' I is gonna takes cares of you!" Her tail wagged behind her, convinced that he understood every word she said.

Eyes looked back up to her littermate. Hmmm, where would she keep him? He wouldn't need much room, that was sure. Keeping him kind of confined would be best, otherwise he might get lost in the big house and that would be no good. But what could he live in? Her face scrunched up in thought. Though quickly something popped into her head. "Whas about in a jars? Like da ones in da kitchens? Den he couldn't crawl away and get losts." And they could look for the biggest jar in the house so he would still have lots of room.


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