the little foxes that spoil the vines
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She had a point. It was indeed dangerous to proceed blindly into the unknown. Alexey could understand the reasoning behind the warrior’s spoken words. The Adonis was filled with good intentions; her children’s wellbeing had indirectly become a priority, whether she realized it or not. This was the main reason why the Caregiver did not worry. Cwmfen was taking the time to inform herself in preparation for the upcoming litter. Her dedication was made manifest through her actions. Alexey thought highly of the third in command and it was unlikely that her opinion would change anytime soon.

Her next question, however, brought forth feelings of uneasiness. Dahlia de Mai was no safe haven for young children. Perhaps she would’ve thought otherwise a few months prior but Firefly’s stunt had been proof enough that it wasn’t. Not only did they have to watch out for smaller predators, but for ill-intentioned wolves also. Although they’d gotten rid of the terrible two, namely Firefly and Svara, there was no telling what could happen. Alexey’s thoughts briefly wandered to the Lilium and how he’d mistreated his own children. She wanted to warn Cwmfen, but doing so would more than likely have dire repercussions. Not for them, seeing as they were two grown adults, but for Conor and Emwe.

“Yes.” She understood why Cwmfen would want leave the kids unattended every once in a while; hunting, scouting. In that aspect, the warrior was quite predictable. And although her determination was quite admirable, there were certain tasks she wouldn’t be able to fulfill anymore (at least not within the upcoming months.) Dahlia de Mai had two very capable hunters and it was their duty to provide food for the new family. “I wouldn’t risk it. You can always bring them to me if you have important things to do though,” she suggested, offering a different alternative.


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