sail me on a silver sun


Dagrun's black eyes moved to the wolf before her, and she cheeped gently when he finished speaking. If it weren't for the rain, she might have ruffled her wings in greeting as she normally did. For now, though, the oily coating of her feathers was a seal that was not going to be broken to say hello. Hemming smiled at her chirp, pleased that she was turning out to be quite friendly. It hadn't been too long since they had met, but the wolf found that the connection between them grew faster than it might with fellow mortal. Then again, they were together day and night, which would speed the bonding process.


It was said that the Spirit Guides select the wolf, appearing when he has gone on his Journey, and the idea always brought up questions in the AniWayan. How had Dagrun selected him? And what, exactly, was the relationship between wolf and Guide? Hemming always wondered if there was some supernatural aspect to it, some magic connection between them. The little bird could imprint thoughts in his head, it seemed, but they were mere impressions of whatever she was thinking, obscured in translation. Would this ability grow with time, or was it to be forever limited to this? There was an infinite number of questions that Hemming could ask, and an infinite number that would never be answered. Being someone who tended to think rationally and scientifically, this concept baffled him completely.


Hemming hadn't met a lot of the other Spirit Guides, but she knew that they were there. He could think of a few that were birds, and found that interesting. There were also the strangest of creatures, though, like Catherine's Saw, a black mamba native to the plains of Africa. There were, apparently, no bounds to the possibility of where the creatures were from. Fleetingly, the scrawny wolf wondered if it was possible for a soul to manifest itself as something that was extinct. It would give insight as to how some ancient things looked. Then again, if Dagrun's soul (was Dagrun the soul, or just the thing the soul turned itself into?) was so old, perhaps she had some insight as well. All of these things would have to be investigated, and would come with time. The two had, after all, only known each other for a short while.


"They are quite fascinating," Hemming agreed, "You should come visit some time. It's a beautiful place, even without the Spirit Guides." He grinned, thinking about the fields of corn and wild grasses, the river that ran through, and the series of springs. He was fortunate that he had found AniWaya. It, and the lands that surrounded it, were burgeoning with beauty, filled to the brim with golden light and, on days such as this, blanketed by rainfall. Dagrun had found him not in AniWaya, but a day's travel to the south, when the wolf had set out on his Journey. It seemed like forever ago, but the sun said otherwise. "I've known her for... almost two weeks," he replied, half expecting to hear Dagrun correcting him. Contrary to his expectations, he little bird seemed quite happy to sit quietly as Hemming spoke to someone else, despite being a chatty little thing when the two were alone.


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