let the rain of what I feel right now come down

She leaned against the slippery base of the tree, water quietly dripping from her sodden tail and cold nosetip. The thought to shift upwards crossed her mind, but somehow it seemed appropriate for her to visit in her lowest, smallest, meekest form. The willowy wolf could press herself against the dirt and all but disappear, should the wrong canine meet her. Or the right one. The suspenseful silence made her anxiety mount by the moment. Perhaps no one had heard her at all, and she should cry again? Or it may be more likely that she was being ignored. Denied from entry. Time to go home. Her small muddy paws clawed gently at the waterlogged moss between the tree's coiled roots, trying to distract herself from the agonizing wait.

When she glanced up again, Anu was there.

Shining blue eyes cut through the swirling opalescent haze, set in a cautious, uneasy countenance. Colibri's damp ears laid flat guiltily, ducking her head in a submissive apology. She had gotten what she wished for; Anu had come. The question was, what was she supposed to do now? She had not planned out any conversation in her mind, as she so often did, and it had been so long since they'd seen each other last - and never on all fours, either - that her heart leapt wildly in her chest, accelerated pulse distracting her attempts to form a cohesive thought. There was more silver and grey in Anu's fur, when she adopted her down-to-earth form... less like sand, and more like sandstone, then. And somehow more expressive than ever before, with the body language they had known instinctively from birth. Would it be easier to convey her desires this way? Was she fooling herself to believe that there was a need reflected in the sad gaze before her?

"I... I came to... see," she finished awkwardly, averting her stare. To see you. It had been a long walk, too long to pretend that she had merely stumbled here by accident and decided to call for a friendly face. She had some purpose, but already it was hard to put into words exactly what that was. She was fulfilling her promise, at least, to come and visit... see the lady's slipper plant in the garden... see if this place would be a more like a home...

"I said I w-would," she added in explanation, trying to backpedal, nullify her statements. Confidence was difficult to hold onto. "But, I can leave if I'm not... wanted," she finished, swallowing a nervous lump in her throat. The afternoon drizzle leaked through the intermittent cover of leaves, softly pattering against the forest floor to fill the silence that followed. She was far too vulnerable like this, she could be cast aside at any moment, lingering on the edge of a precipice. She did not want to have her heart broken. But she feared, more than anything else, that in closing herself off to the world for so long, she had already damaged whatever fragile seeds they had started to sow. It would always be her fault.


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