ain't your fairytale
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ooc: Do you want to continue or start wrapping the thread up? Either way is OK with me, if you want to continue then Kaena can just catch Xeris when she tries to escape here XD

Xeris couldn't hold back a sharp yelp of pain as she felt teeth connect with her right foreleg. The wound was smaller than the one along her side, but she could feel and even hear the distinct snap of a broken bone, even through the sound of the heavy rain. That was it, she'd have to get out of here now. She couldn't fight with her leg injured this badly. But the question was, how was she to get away? As the coyote walked back and forth in front of her, Xeris began once again to take several steps backward. She looked around, hoping to find some way of escape.

But then again, she wasn't sure which way to go in the first place. During the fight she'd gotten rather disoriented as far as directions went; she knew that Phoenix Valley was south of here but which direction was south? She glanced around frantically, her mind racing until it finally came to a stop as her eyes rested upon the edge of the forest in the distance; she remembered seeing it and knew that it was on Inferni's side. With a sudden burst of energy, she turned around and began to move as quickly as possible in the opposite direction, trying hard not to put too much pressure on her leg and hoping that the coyote wouldn't come after her...


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