http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b171/ ... table1.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
WC: 502
It's lovely, as always! ^-^ Added hover-translations for the French.

The warm summer night seemed to stretch endlessly before him, the dark sky roiling with clouds as far as the eye could see. It had been rain, rain, rain for days, and while the occasional crashes of thunder were exciting, a certain someone yearned to bask in the sun. The deluded monarch, a light sleeper, had spent the past month wandering and spying on scent trails and avoiding his duties, and already he was ready to wander some more. It was in his nature, moods ever-changing, turbulent and unpredictable. It was hard for him to stay in one place.

Jacquez padded along the damp grass, traversing over the ridge into his territory's copse of forest, continuing aimlessly north. He heard the scuffling sounds of a doe in the thicket, startled by his swift appearance. "Ne t'inquiétes pas, ma cherie, I am not the hunting sort," he crooned, deep voice spooking the ungulate into flight. She bounded gracefully away, only the white flag of her tail clearly visible in the gloom. He barked a laugh, amused at the herbivore's skittish reaction, before ambling further. At Ruri's bequest, Heath had sought him out and ended his sojourn. Would the sensitive pair be upset upon learning that he had snuck out again? He would return before daybreak, he promised himself. It was just a midnight run. Besides, there were no laws prohibiting a king from leaving his kingdom! No harm done, eh?

The one-armed hybrid scratched his chest idly, dark eyes calmly studying the unfamiliar meadow where he found himself. In the light, he might have a better sense of his bearings, but beneath the cloak of darkness, all this northern wilderness appeared the same. His wide footpaws were damp from the wetness of the grass, a chill sensation. The collie-hybrid could not suppress a small shudder - he did not mind wet, but he detested cold. The sweltering humidity of summer was a familiar and welcome meteorological development. His thin feathery fur supported it, and it reminded him deeply of his southern home. Not that he missed the putrid swamps, but heat was better than cold, any time.

As he frowned, shifting from footpaw to footpaw, his darting eyes caught sight of a dark shape upon the ground. It appeared to be a body... Short and spindly, with larger ears and feet than a wolf that had grown into their form. A child, then. Jac had little experience with children, and preferred to treat them like small inquisitive adults. "Are you dead, petit enfant?" he spoke suddenly, the idea occurring to him. It was rather late for an unsupervised pup to wander in the unclaimed territories. There were dangerous predators that stalked the night. Like the blue-eyed demon, the one he kept hoping he might run into on a night such as this... The thought caused excitement to well up within his energetic frame, and the tall dog stooped over the little werewolf, nudging him with a toe before the child could reply.


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