they'll break your throne
Yay! 300

She liked this girl when she smiled. He liked smiling people in general. He had grown up with cruel and sadistic grins turned at him, but these kinds of smiles were delicate and sincere. They were happy and friendly. His cinnamon painted tail with the white tip wagged contently, so happy because she did not loathe him for his flaws. There had been corrupting elements in his life, but her friendliness and forgiveness showed him a piece of what was good in the world. His heart absorbed everything it could get now, everything good. He was standing here, proving that he could be so much better. He would be much better.

She asked him the same question in return after saying that her day was happy. ”Yes, very happy.” the boy announced. His words were so true. Because of Cambria, this day was a super very good day. He was still standing there smiling brightly at her when an issue was raised, spotted first by the girl. Dark soon. Honey hued ears folded backwards towards his skull as the boy’s lilac gaze rose up to meet the darkening sky. Oh no. The darkness brought nasty things along with it. Alexey said that monsters were not real and only existed in his head, but he could feel the fur on his neck and back rose slowly as the unpleasant thoughts and fears found him.

The boy repositioned his oversized front paws several times, unable to find a solution he could live with. Those lavender eyes sunk to the ground and stayed there in despair for a few moments before they rose to Cambria. ”Oh noes.” he simply said, though the tone of his voice said so much more. He was scared. ”Can I sleeps here tonight?” he whispered, voice suddenly almost nonexistent, less audible than a whisper.


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