and don't forget to breathe.
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    The wounds across her shoulder had begun to heal, though the process was slow and painful. The jagged slashmarks across her right shoulder had gone shiny and pink, scabbing over thickly to protect the ancient woman's innards from dirt and dust. There were other smaller markings on her body, fresh markings sliced into her flesh by the white intruder wolf. There was nothing that could be done about that, and Kaena was quite happy she'd been able to serve her duty and turn that wolf away so quickly. She smiled to herself as she rubbed the wound over her shoulder, fingers tracing gingerly across that parted flesh.

    She headed out of the cave, following the faint scent of fresh air. There was a slight offshoot, a second room the woman had not explored. She was too curious, and she she had some time to burn, so she wandered down that path before she decided to head out. It was a lucky find—there was a room similar to the first once, but more well-hidden (hence why she'd missed it heading in) and filled with goodies and other trinkets. There were a few rotting skeletons and a few ransacked trunks similar to the chest she'd found in the first room. This place looked like a true gypsy or pirate hideout; on one cave wall, there was a crest with two swords stuck into it, already beginning to rust with old age and the elements.

    Despite this room's added furnishings and skeletal occupants, there was little in the way of actually useful things. Kaena realized she would find nothing to scavenge here, and so she turned around, heading away from the bones of the world past and back out toward the entrance. Her fur was only just slightly damp now, and as she headed closer to the entrance she could hear the drumming rain outside, the idea of getting all soaked again distasteful to the Lykoi matron as she wrinkled her nose, those sable ears folding back into her skull. As they swept backwards, she picked up a noise, just the faintest echoing murmur of an unfamiliar voice, distorted by the winding halls of the small cave system.

    Alert now, the woman crouched to her feet, heading forward until a familiar scent wafted to her nose on a breath of the fresh air she'd been following to exit the cave. Jacquez. There was the faintest ghost of a grin across the woman's scarred features, that brilliant golden eye glittering as she continued forward, no longer afraid. Jacq had already proven himself to be a friendly face, and Kaena recalled his memory fondly. They'd met about a month ago, actually relatively close to Inferni's territory. Now, she was far from home, and the same could be said for the coppery dog, though Cour des Miracles was a far shorter trip than Inferni.

    After a few short minutes of travel, she came across him in the shallows of the cave, looking royally annoyed that he was so wet. There was a mischievous grin across the woman's russet muzzle, and she called to Jacq softly, her voice carrying clearly enough without speaking too loudly. "Would you look at this, a soggy King," she said, grinning at him. Wet or not, he was still quite the attractive canine, and Kaena gave him a once-over openly, that golden eye roving his body and following the brilliant water beading off of his coppery coat. Here he was, a dangerous creature with the strength to gnaw through his own limbs. A survivor, just like her.


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